Friday, January 16, 2009

Getting Product Ideas

The main aim of your product is to solve a problem or problems. There are millions of problems waiting for a solution. Your mission should you choose to accept it is to get answers for these problems.

You should find out what is hot in the market place . Keep you eyes and ears peeled for new products and see if a spin of product can be created. The richest men in the wild west were not the gold diggers but the saloon bars, hotels and the ironmongers who sold the shovels etc etc. They moved in when someone struck gold and made a killing.Some unscrupulous ones even paid people run into a town shouting "Thars Gold in them hills "to get everyone buying their products.

What about the WII...could you write an Ebook oh how to win the games or how to improve it etc etc. Improve a product that is already on the market.
You see products at home, in ads, at stores etc. Just take a product that's already out there and improve it. \you could make your spin off niche cheaper faster, better.

Update an older or out of date product. Put it into your own words. Get a new cover and add your own pictures.

Why not come straight out and ask your existing customers what product the would like or need?

You could combine two existing products which compliment each other to make an even better one.

Survey the people who visit your web site. You
could post a survey or questionnaire on your web site.
Ask visitors what kind of products they would like to
see on the market.

Or why not think outside the box and look for a new market for your existing product.

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