Friday, January 16, 2009

Sell Yourself

Readers are more likely to buy from you if they trust you. To that end the more they know about you the more they will trust you. That is unless you are just out of jail. (if you are leave that part out). You should tell them a bit about yourself for example how you come to be in this business, your qualifications, etc etc. Keep it friendly and informal. In other words sell yourself.

1. You could have a free chat room on your website so your readers get to know you better.

2. What about publishing a free en-zine and have an introduction which gives information about yourself.
3. Always have a photo of yourself on your site as people like to see who they are buying from.

4. Whenever you write an article put information about yourself in the resource box.

5. Create and giveaway a free Ebook. In the Ebook
include a section called "About The Author". Also,
include an advertisement for your business.

6. Participate in email groups and forums to get yourself known in your particular niche.

7. You could try promoting yourself offline, ie hold classes or business seminars teaching your skills to others.

8. You could offer your readers a free email course which would increase the amount of contact you have with your readers and in turn increase the likely hood of them buying from you rather than someone else.

9. If you are writing a classified ad put in some information about yourself and the reader will feel he or she is not buying from a total stranger.

10. Always make it easy for your readers to contact you buy email, phone or even your home address.

This is a very useful Ebook: Click Here!

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