Saturday, September 20, 2008

Increase Sales

How to Increase Sales

1. You could start to increase sales by selling an inexpensive product in order to sell an expensive product later. If buyers like your cheap product,they'll be far more inclined to buy your expensive one.

2. If you have a product or products which are not selling you can ask you readers to pay a donation for them just to build up a relationship with them. Some internet marketers believe it is better to sell something very cheap rather than give it away as they are now in a buying mood, then go in with the big sale.

3. Another way to increase sales is to E-mail targeted e-zines and ask them to do a joint venture with you. Ask them to advertise your product to their customers and in turn they get a percentage of the profits.

4. You need to find a very small niche for your new free e-zine as there are many many free e-zines out there and your e-zine needs to be extra specialized to attract new customers to your list.

5. You can test your adverts by using an autoresponder. Monitor the interest and comments you receive back from your subscribers to see if the product needs updating, change of price or tweeking in any way before you send them your sales pitch.

6. An excellent way to increase sales is to create credibility and trust with your readers by giving out factual information that they already know is true. While reading your copy they will already be nodding their head agreeing with you when you ask them to make the purchase.

7. Once you have your list you can sell Back End products to you customers.

Use Selling Triggers

Selling Triggers

Here are some ideas to get your reader to take immediate action and seal the sale.

1. People like surprises . It is a change from their everyday routine. Offer a surprise if the reader orders your product. Make it a valuable surprise and relevant to the product.

2. If a prospect is unsure about the purchase he or she will subconsciously look for an excuse not to buy. Therefore it is vital that the ordering process is simple and not complicated.

3. Prospects always look for security. Tell your readers that you have secure ordering and privacy policy.

4. People like to receive compliments for their achievements. Give your prospects plenty of compliments for them considering your product. Tell them the are how smart they are for recognising a good deal when they see one. Don't go over the top though

5. People like to invest rather than buy as it suggests they will get their money back and more. Or it suggests they can use this product the rest of their lives. Your sales copy therefore should be about investing not buying if possible.

6. Readers like to be the first to learn or use something. Use words and phrases in your ad copy like"New", "Just Released", etc.

7. A product that solves problems is s Godsend. Explain what the problem is and then tell them how your product can help them solve that problem.

8. If the product you are selling will make them or their family happy use this in your copy. People like to make other people happy.

9. People want to remove barriers to achieve their goals. Advise your prospects what barriers this product will remove and which goals they'll achieve by ordering your product.

Get Rich Quick?

Get Rich Quick?

Do you know Why Most People Fail to make money Online? Because they give up too easily. Why do they give up too easily? Because they were taken in by all the Get Rich Quick hype which you will find on hundreds of advertisements on the net promising you can quit your job on Friday, buy a porche on Saturday book that holiday to the other side of the world by Sunday. 3 months down the line they have made nothing, Zilch, not a sausage. Doh! back to the day job . I have mentioned before, I have been researching home based opportunities for 10 years and if there was a get rich quick programme out there, I would have found it and would be promoting it to you right now.

A major rule on Internet marketing is to tell people who sign up for your product the absolute truth even if there is a negative side. Exaggerating the product will not work. Tell your prospects this is not a Get Rich Quick opportunity unless of course it is a Get Rich Quick opportunity. (And if it is please contact me and tell me about it) In essence, if you exagerate too much about your product you will lose a good customer and also loose everbody he or she tells as well.

I had a Ford Capri for 9 years. It passed everything on the road apart from gas stations. It cost me a fortune to run but I held on to it because I knew it was a gas guzzler when I bought it. This is the car I had always dreamt about when I was a boy. The point is if you explain the bad with the good : when the bad comes up the customer will be prepared for it and he or she will not be hammering at your door asking for their money back.

Explain to people who sign up for your product exactly what they will get. Selling online is not a sprint, it is a marathon. Every week I start new advertisement campaigns set up landing pages seek out new places to advertise. You must prepare yourself for the long haul and never ever give up. This is the stuff entrepreneurs are made of.
Speak to you soon

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optmisation

What is SEO

Search engine optimisation is a posh way of saying you should try to get your website or blog as high up the rankings of the search engines as possible. Internet surfers are known to only view the top 10 entries on search engines so this is what you are aiming for. This is a must if you want a lot of free taffic. This can take time but here is the most common way:

You need to fill your Blog and website with keywords and keyword phrases. Keywords are the words that people type into their search engines to source information or a product. The more you have of these keywords the more relevant our site is to the searcher and the higher the search engines will place you in the ranking.

So your first step is to go to the Google search engine up and type in Free Word Tracker. Once you have this up type in a general keyword phrase. For example Home based online business. This will give you a list of all the keywords people are searching for. You should end up with a list like this:
home business online opportunity 567 online home business opportunity 472 base business home online opportunity 354 business opportunity online home page 310 home business opportunity online 273 work home business internet online 269 online home business 266 online home based business 231 best online home business 209 based business home online opportunity 185
The numbers show how many hit these phrases had per day.
Now to to your website and blog and build your copy around as many of these a possible but keep it coherent. It must be kept interesting. Speak to you soon.

How to Sell Online

How To Sell Online

Why sell online? Well did you know according to a recent Nielsen Global Online Survey (February 2008), "85 per cent of the online population has shopped online."

S From PowerReviews' Social Shopping Study 2007: "65 per cent of consumers actively seek reviews." Therefore the concern for the buying public is that we do not trust companies and the average viewer will do a lot of shopping around before he or she will buy. The point is we must get the reader to trust us and this is done by mastering the techniques I will be illustrating in How To Sell Online.

I will take you through the basic and advanced steps of selling online. The internet surpasses all other vehicles for selling because of the vast amounts of viewers you can get to your site and also the fact that you do not need to face rejection. Write your sales copy , stick it on your website and get as much traffic to that site as possible. For rookies to the internet business writing copy can be daunting. I hope How To Sell Online will help you write eye catching copy which will convert your readers into buyers. The first point is write your copy as if you were saying it. This is somewhat harder than what it sounds, but the more you write the easier it gets.

To get you started, here are some words that will catch your readers eye and encourage them to take action.

Discount: for obvious reasons
New: Most people like to be the first to try things out
Fast: Encourages people to buy quickly
Easy: People like simple instructions
Guaranteed: Security in their purchase
Limited: Gets them to sign up fast
You: Personalises the copy

PS. If you don,t have a niche or are looking for more niches, Click Here!

Speak to you soon

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How To Money Online

How To Money Online

What does this mean I hear you ask? Well it comes under the category of Key word research and optimisation of your key word. So why am I missing out the word make out of the title. Well believe it or not 1989 people search for this exact phrase in the Google search engine every day. So if I mention How to money online a few times during this article it should have no problem getting up the search engine placements. After all, who would make a website with a title of How To Money Online?

The point is if you can get a phrase like How to make money online and make the article make sense you can make it work and drive traffic to your website. Find a phrase similar to this or a mispelled key word and try it. Write an article or a blog post and fit the keyword or keyword phrase in to the post. However, it must make sense or no one will read it.I am sure you can use your imagination and will be able to write around your keyword phrase.

Using a mispelt keyword may be more challenging as you don't want to look inarticulate. I suppose you could slot them in and say your spell check is not working and forgive any misspellings.

Remember, the higher your rankings in the search engines, the more traffic you will get, the more traffic you get the more sales you get. So get your Keyword checker out and look up these misspellings and weird phrases like How To Money Online

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sell Advert Space

Sell Advertising Space

Here is another way to make more money with your website. Sell your advert space.
Lets get started

Once you get a good amount of traffic selling advert space is a good way of earnib=nf further income for your website.

1. Give your customers a discount when they spend
over a certain dollar amount for ad space. You can
also apply this tip to the amount of ads they buy.

2. Offer your customers a free bonus for renewing
their ad order. It could be an ebook, special report,
online utility, etc.

3. Sell advertising space between your content. You
just break an article in half and insert the banner or
classified ad between it.

4. Write content that's tailor made to mention and
relate to the product your customers are advertising.
This is more work but, you'll sell a lot of ads.

5. Tell your customers when they buy an ad you'll
also add it to your free ebook and message board
for free.

6. Offer to endorse the product your customers are
advertising before or after their ad. In all honesty,
you would have try out the product first.

7. Write a review for your customer's product to
place under their ad. This is similar to a testimonial
or endorsement but more in-depth.

8. Offer a buy 2 ads and get 1 free deal. With the
slow economy and advertising sales, most businesses
are bound to be looking for a good ad deal.

9. Give your customers a ton of free bonuses when
they buy ad space. It can be submission software,
an ebook full of advertising or copywriting tips, etc.

10. Guarantee your customer's advertising results.
If they don't like the traffic they receive, give them
a refund or another ad for free.

Speak to you soon

Writing Articles

Writing Articles

Once you have your website up and running the next step and the most important one is to advertise it. We have spoken about ways to do this in previous blogs but now lets have a look at one of the big guns. Article writing is a more indirect way of getting people to visit your site but it is free and can generate traffic for months if not years to come. So how do you do this. First of all choose a relevant topic preferably one which your web site is promoting. If you cant think of anything to write about, go to your key words in your website and stick what if, how, where etc in front of them. Turn them into questions then answer the questions. These are the most sought after articles. Write your article. This is not as hard as it sounds. Choose 10 key points and pad it out. Try this site to get some keywords and phrases: Once you have written your article submit them to every Article Directory you find on Google. If you want you could purchase an article submitter which will blast your article out to hundreds of directories at the click your mouse.

So how do I get traffic from this I here you ask? Well in the biography box you put your name and your website. Say something like "want more tips go to my site at..." Further you have now added another link back to your website for the search engines to find. Moreover, other webmasters are always on the lookout for more material for their sites and can take your article, place it on their site and hey another link and more free advertising. It is a win win situation.

Speak to you soon

Repeat Veiwers

Here are 10 ways to get repeat viewers to your website:

1.Offline Directory - Create an online directory of
offline resources. You could include names, phone
numbers, addresses, etc.

2. eBook Of Reviews - Publish an ebook of stuff
that's related to your target audience that you could
review like products, web sites, movies, etc.

3. Round Table Chat - You could schedule a group
chat of people your customers would want to meet
and talk to on the internet.

4. Intelligence E-mail Alerts - Allow your customers
to sign up to an e-mail alert list. You can alert them
when you find out news that could affect their life.

5. Statistics eReport - You could compile a report
of different statistics that's related to their purchase.
It could be surveys, tests, special studies, etc.

6. Personal Notes eFile - Collect notes that you've
taken about your industry and compile them into a
downloadable file.

7. Profile eBook - Publish a profile ebook or report
of people your target audience are interested in. You
can list their birthdays, interests, age, hobbies, etc.

8. E-mail Lessons - Teach a class via e-mail about
a subject your customers want to learn. E-mail them
study materials, worksheets, assignments, etc.

9. Sample Of Another Product - Give customers a
free sample of another product as a bonus. It could
be a basic version, excerpt, limited service, etc.

10. To Do List Or Instructions - Publish a list of
instructions or things to do in order to accomplish
a goal your customers would want to complete.

How To Sell Online Home Page

Monday, September 15, 2008

How To Acheive Excellence In Sales

How To Achieve Excellence In Sales

Most people are always striving to better themselves. It's the "American Way." For proof, check the sales figures on the number of self-improvement books sold each year. This is not a pitch for you to jump in and start selling these kinds of books, but it is an indication of people's awareness that in order to better themselves, they have to continue improving their personal selling abilities.

To excel in any selling situation, you must have confidence, and confidence comes, first and foremost, from knowledge. You have to know and understand yourself and your goals. You have to recognize and accept your weaknesses as well as your special talents. This requires a kind of personal honesty that not everyone is capable of exercising.

In addition to knowing yourself, you must continue learning about people. Just as with yourself, you must be caring, forgiving and laudatory with others. In any sales effort, you must accept other people as they are, not as you would like for them to be. One of the most common faults of sales people is impatience when the prospective cus tom§er is slow to understand or make a decision. The successful salesperson handles these situations the same as he would if he were asking a girl for a date, or even applying for a new job.

Learning your product, making a clear presentation to qualified prospects, and closing more sales will take a lot less time once you know your own capabilities and failings, and understand and care about the prospects you are calling upon.

Our society is predicated upon selling, and all of us are selling something all the time. We move up or stand still in direct relation to our sales efforts. Everyone is included, whether we're attempting to be a friend to a co-worker, a neighbor, or selling multi-million dollar real estate projects. Accepting these facts will enable you to understand that there is no such thing as a born salesman. Indeed, in selling, we all begin

at the same starting line, and we all have the same finish line as the goal - a successful sale.

Most assuredly, anyone can sell anything to anybody. As a qualification to this statement, let us say that some things are easier to sell than others, and some people work harder at selling than others. But regardless of what you're selling, or even how you're attempting to sell it, the odds are in your favor. If you make your presentation to enough people, you'll find a buyer. The problem with most people seems to be in making contact - getting their sales pre sentation seen by, read by, or heard by enough people. But this really shouldn't be a problem, as we'll explain later. There is a problem of impatience, but this too can be harnessed to work in the salesperson's favor.

We have established that we're all salespeople in one way or another. So whether we're attempting to move up from forklift driver to warehouse manager, wait ress to hostess, salesman to sales manager or from mail order dealer to president of the largest sales organization in the world, it's vitally important that we continue learning.

Getting up out of bed in the morning; doing what has to be done in order to sell more units of your product; keeping records, updating your materials; planning the direction of further sales efforts; and all the while increasing your own knowledge - all

this very definitely requires a great deal of personal motivation, discipline, and energy. But then the rewards can be beyond your wildest dreams, for make no mistake about it, the selling profession is the highest paid occupation in the world!

Selling is challenging. It demands the utmost of your creativity and innovative thinking. The more success you want, and the more dedicated you are to achieving your goals, the more you'll sell. Hundreds of people the world over become millionaires each month through selling. Many of them were flat broke and unable to find a "regular" job when they began their selling careers. Yet they've done it, and you can do it too!

Remember, it's the surest way to all the wealth you could ever want. You get paid according to your own efforts, skill, and knowledge of people. If you're ready to become rich, then think seriously about selling a product or service (prefer ably something exclusively yours) - something that you "pull out of your brain;" something that you write, manufacture or produce for the benefit of other people. But failing this, the want ads are full of opportunities for ambitious sales people. You can start there, study, learn from experience, and watch for the chance that will allow you to move ahead by leaps and bounds.

Here are some guidelines that will definitely improve your gross sales, and quite naturally, your gross income. I like to call them the Strategic Salesmanship Commandments. Look them over; give some thought to each of them; and adapt hose that you can to your own selling efforts.

1. If the product you're selling is something your prospect can hold in his hands,

get it into his hands as quickly as possible. In other words, get the prospect

"into the act." Let him feel it, weigh it, admire it.

2. Don't stand or sit alongside your prospect. Instead, face him while you're

pointing out the important advantages of your product. This will enable you to

watch his facial expressions and determine whether and when you should go

for the close. In handling sales literature, hold it by the top of the page, at the

proper angle, so that your prospect can read it as you're highlighting the

important points.

Regarding your sales literature, don't release your hold on it, because you want

to control the specific parts you want the prospect to read. In other words, you

want the prospect to read or see only the parts of the sales material you're

telling him about at a given time.

3. With prospects who won't talk with you: When you can get no feedback to

your sales presentation, you must dramatize your presentation to get him

involved. Stop and ask questions such as, "Now, don't you agree that this

product can help you or would be of benefit to you?" After you've asked a

question such as this, stop talking and wait for the prospect to answer. It's a

proven fact that following such a question, the one who talks first will lose, so

don't say anything until after the prospect has given you some kind of answer.

Wait him out!

4. Prospects who are themselves sales people, and prospects who imagine they

know a lot about selling sometimes present difficult selling obstacles, especially

for the novice. But believe me, these prospects can be the easiest of all to sell.

Simply give your sales presentation, and instead of trying for a close, toss out a

challenge such as, "I don't know, Mr. Prospect - after watching your reactions

to what I've been showing and telling you about my product, I'm very doubtful

as to how this product can truthfully be of benefit to you."

Then wait a few seconds, just looking at him and waiting for him to say

something. Then, start packing up your sales materials as if you are about to

leave. In almost every instance, your "tough nut" will quickly ask you, Why?

These people are generally so filled with their own importance, that they just

have to prove you wrong. When they start on this tangent, they will sell

themselves. The more skeptical you are relative to their ability to make your

product work to their benefit, the more they'll de mand that you sell it to them.

If you find that this prospect will not rise to your challenge, then go ahead with

the packing of your sales materials and leave quickly. Some people are so

convinced of their own importance that it is a poor use of your valuable time to

attempt to con vince them.

5. Remember that in selling, time is money! Therefore, you must allocate only so

much time to each prospect. The prospect who asks you to call back next

week, or wants to ramble on about similar products, prices or previous

experiences, is costing you money. Learn to quickly get your prospect

interested in, and wanting your product, and then systematically present your

sales pitch through to the close, when he signs on the dotted line, and reaches

for his checkbook.

After the introductory call on your prospect, you should be selling products and

collecting money. Any call backs should be only for reorders, or to sell him

related products from your line. In other words, you can waste an introductory

call on a prospect to qualify him, but you're going to be wasting money if you

continue calling on him to sell him the first unit of your product. When faced

with a reply such as, "Your product looks pretty good, but I'll have to give it

some thought," you should quickly jump in and ask him what it is that he

doesn't understand, or what specifically about your product does he feel he

needs to give more thought. Let him explain, and that's when you go back into

your sales presentation and make everything crystal clear for him. If he still

balks, then you can either tell him that you think he's procrastinating, or that

overall, you don't think the product will really benefit him, or it's purchase be to

his advantage.

You must spend as much time as possible calling on new prospects. Therefore,

your first call should be a selling call with follow-up calls by mail or telephone

(once every month or so in person) to sign him for reorders and other items

from your product line.

6. Review your sales presentation, your sales materials, and your prospecting

efforts. Make sure you have a "door-opener" that arouses interest and "forces"

a purchase the first time around. This can be a $2 interest stimulator so that

you can show him your full line, or a special marked-down price on an item that

everybody wants; but the important thing is to get the prospect on your "buying

customer" list, and then follow up via mail or telephone with related, but more

profitable products you have to offer.

If you accept our statement that there are no born salesmen, you can readily absorb these "commandments." Study them, as well as all the material in this report. When you realize your first successes, you will truly know that "salesman are made - not born."

How To Sell Online

How To Sell Online

The main aim of this site help people who are struggling to selll there affiliate products or indeed their own products online. In fact, it will probably help those who are interested in seling their goods off line as well. It is however online selling we will be concentrating on as it is a whole new ball game as you will find out.

The internet is a strange an wonderful medium. You have over a billion customers out there and all you have to do is get them to your website or blog and put some sales copy on it and you are on your way. Well I wish it was that easy. But it is not.

If you are just starting out, stick with it and I will show you how to sell online, how to find customers who want to buy , get traffic to your site, and how to convert traffic to sales. I promise

If I was to give you my most useful tip right now it be to carry a note book about with and jot down any advert that catches your eye. Start a scrap book of advert cuttings out of newspapers and magazines. Study these adverts and imitate them. After all if it caught your attention it will catch the attention of your readers also. From this, with practice and through trial and error you will become a good copywriter.

Speak to you soon

This is a very useful Ebook: Click Here!