Thursday, September 18, 2008

Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optmisation

What is SEO

Search engine optimisation is a posh way of saying you should try to get your website or blog as high up the rankings of the search engines as possible. Internet surfers are known to only view the top 10 entries on search engines so this is what you are aiming for. This is a must if you want a lot of free taffic. This can take time but here is the most common way:

You need to fill your Blog and website with keywords and keyword phrases. Keywords are the words that people type into their search engines to source information or a product. The more you have of these keywords the more relevant our site is to the searcher and the higher the search engines will place you in the ranking.

So your first step is to go to the Google search engine up and type in Free Word Tracker. Once you have this up type in a general keyword phrase. For example Home based online business. This will give you a list of all the keywords people are searching for. You should end up with a list like this:
home business online opportunity 567 online home business opportunity 472 base business home online opportunity 354 business opportunity online home page 310 home business opportunity online 273 work home business internet online 269 online home business 266 online home based business 231 best online home business 209 based business home online opportunity 185
The numbers show how many hit these phrases had per day.
Now to to your website and blog and build your copy around as many of these a possible but keep it coherent. It must be kept interesting. Speak to you soon.

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