Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Writing Articles

Writing Articles

Once you have your website up and running the next step and the most important one is to advertise it. We have spoken about ways to do this in previous blogs but now lets have a look at one of the big guns. Article writing is a more indirect way of getting people to visit your site but it is free and can generate traffic for months if not years to come. So how do you do this. First of all choose a relevant topic preferably one which your web site is promoting. If you cant think of anything to write about, go to your key words in your website and stick what if, how, where etc in front of them. Turn them into questions then answer the questions. These are the most sought after articles. Write your article. This is not as hard as it sounds. Choose 10 key points and pad it out. Try this site to get some keywords and phrases: http://tools.seobook.com/general/keyword. Once you have written your article submit them to every Article Directory you find on Google. If you want you could purchase an article submitter which will blast your article out to hundreds of directories at the click your mouse.

So how do I get traffic from this I here you ask? Well in the biography box you put your name and your website. Say something like "want more tips go to my site at..." Further you have now added another link back to your website for the search engines to find. Moreover, other webmasters are always on the lookout for more material for their sites and can take your article, place it on their site and hey another link and more free advertising. It is a win win situation.

Speak to you soon

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