Saturday, September 20, 2008

Increase Sales

How to Increase Sales

1. You could start to increase sales by selling an inexpensive product in order to sell an expensive product later. If buyers like your cheap product,they'll be far more inclined to buy your expensive one.

2. If you have a product or products which are not selling you can ask you readers to pay a donation for them just to build up a relationship with them. Some internet marketers believe it is better to sell something very cheap rather than give it away as they are now in a buying mood, then go in with the big sale.

3. Another way to increase sales is to E-mail targeted e-zines and ask them to do a joint venture with you. Ask them to advertise your product to their customers and in turn they get a percentage of the profits.

4. You need to find a very small niche for your new free e-zine as there are many many free e-zines out there and your e-zine needs to be extra specialized to attract new customers to your list.

5. You can test your adverts by using an autoresponder. Monitor the interest and comments you receive back from your subscribers to see if the product needs updating, change of price or tweeking in any way before you send them your sales pitch.

6. An excellent way to increase sales is to create credibility and trust with your readers by giving out factual information that they already know is true. While reading your copy they will already be nodding their head agreeing with you when you ask them to make the purchase.

7. Once you have your list you can sell Back End products to you customers.

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