Friday, November 21, 2008

Blogging Basics

The Basics of Blogging

Everybody and their Granny has a blog these days
and it has become one of the best ways of communicating
with the public. It is more friendly than a website
and allows interaction between you and the reader. You could have a blog set up in 1/2 an hour easily with your sales page , affiliate links or your own product online ready for business.

Blogging is like a secret society and like most secret societies; it has its own language that you must
learn. Although, technologically savvy individuals an
easily familiarize themselves with these terms, it
might be hard for those who have limited or no
background with Web publishing whatsoever.

Firstly, the most important term in blogging is Post.
A post happens every time you place or publish an
update to your blog; you also create a post this way.
Secondly, since blogs are a means of communication,
comments are also possible. If your audience leaves a
message regarding your published content, this message
is referred to as a comment. Normally, the comments
are labeled and time-stamped to allow you and other
readers to see who posted the comment and when it was

Comment spams, is also a term that happen when a
single reader continuously repeats the same comment
over and over again. This can be a headache for the
blogger as the blog can be used by the reader to
promote other blogs or Web site.

These are just some of the few terms that you can
encounter in blogging. Only exploration and experience
can help you understand the other terminologies
involved in blogging.

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